Digital library for mentors
Are you a mentor with a passion for passing on knowledge of entrepreneurship to migrants and refugees? Ready to make an impact and share your journey?
You can access open educational resources (OER) and digital resources (PDFs, videos) below.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence. This means you can reuse it for non-commercial purposes (e.g. educational activities), but you should reference the authors.
Migrant profiling handbook

The project “BYTE” aims to help refugees and migrants enter into the labor market, become self-employed, acquire the necessary skills to constitute mentors to new migrants and create in the long term the basis to improve their living conditions in the hosting country.
The project “BYTE” is based on three concepts:
a) the concept of innovative new technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (Fourth Industrial Revolution),
b) the idea that entrepreneurs can be mentors for new migrants,
c) the need for migrants to be appropriately trained to comply with the requirements of the new technologies.
Synthesis report
This report is based on desk review questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and workshops conducted by the project’s partners in 4 national contexts in Europe between November 2022 and May 2023. The countries included are Romania, Slovenia, Greece, and Italy.
Each partner involved in these activities supported providers, funders or government agencies in their national context and collected their insights from previous programs supporting migrant or refugee entrepreneurs.
SIMO conducted desk research on international initiatives, and compiled the findings of the national-level research into this report. This report is the result of the project activities implemented under the objectives of Work Package 2.

Course structure for mentors
Course content for mentors
Templates for mentors